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Genius Gardening Hacks You'll Be Glad You Know

February 9, 2023

Genius Gardening Hacks You'll Be Glad You Know

This collection of landscaping and gardening helpful tips will help you learn innovative ways to achieve the gorgeous backyard and garden you've always dreamed of.

Plant-in-a-Pot Landscaping Design

Have you ever thought of reorganizing your yard after seeing the way mature plants appear? Here's a smart way to accomplish it. You'll require a number of pots of the same dimensions that will be able to sit next to one another. Set your plants into double pots, then put the pots in the ground. When you're looking for a change remove the pot on top and place into a different. This method is efficient for bringing indoor plants during winter. This method is perfect for quick and easy changing of the plants that are in season, and also permits simple experimentation with colors and arrangement of plants as well as flowers.

Restoring Soil using Old Cans

For deep planters make sure to fill the bottom with old cans and pots. The cans and pots enhance drainage and also create air pockets to allow for better Aeration plus healthier soil.

Simple Lawn Edging

To make sure your lawn is edged or garden put down two pieces of. While holding the board by your feet, drive a garden spade with a flat edge across the board's edge. Adjust the board to make a neat straight line.

Micro Greenhouse

Are you having a difficult beginning seeds or cuttings? Try a soda bottle greenhouse. Cut off the bottom of 2-liter soda bottles, then take off the labels. Each seed will have its own greenhouse! The greenhouses should be removed after the seeds have sprouted and the cuttings have rooted.

Cardboard Seed Tubes

If you want a quick and easy method to plant seeds start seeds, keep your toilet tube and paper towel. The tubes can be cut into two inches. lengths and place them on a tray that is waterproof. The tubes should be filled with potting soil, and then plant your seeds. Once your seedlings are ready for the move into the garden, you can plant them directly in their cardboard tube. The cardboard will break down. Make sure to keep the tube under the soil's surface so that it doesn't drain moisture away from your roots.

Fertilize Dense Plants

Fertilizing bushes and other dense plants involves getting the fertilizer at the root of the plant which is why I employ two feet of PVC. The other end is lowered to the base of the plant and pour the fertilizer in the pipe. Slice the end of the pipe 45 degrees, which will give you more space to pour the fertilizer in.

Healthy Plant Hydration

The accumulation of water in the top of the pots may result in root rot. To stop this issue cut old sponges and place them into at the base of your pot. They hold in moisture and also create air space. They also stop water from escaping the bottom. The sponge serves as a reserve for water and helps keep soil moist for longer.

Easy Mulch Spreading

Mulch that is placed close to the bushes and flowers is simpler to do if it is small containers. This is why I place pails and buckets inside my wheelbarrow, and load them with mulch. It's not a big deal whether the mulch falls into the bucket but falls into the wheelbarrow. When you're done with the buckets, take the remaining contents of the wheelbarrow into an open area , then distribute it.

Greenhouse taken from the Salad Bar

When you next pick an ice cream bar to eat lunch, keep the plastic clamshell containers. It could be used as a mini-garden to plant seeds in spring. After you've finished eating your lunch, rinse your container well. Utilize an awl and the hammer to create several small holes into the top portion of the container to allow airflow. Fill the bottom part with the potting mix or your personal specific seed-starting mix. Seed your seeds and spread them around in the container according to the instructions in the packet of seeds. The seeds will be given a tiny amount of water, then cover the lid. Set it in a sun-lit area, and wait for the seeds to grow!

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